Ten Bodies
We know that we have a physical body. We can see it, touch it, feel it and so can other people (if we let them). But most of us are not aware that we have other bodies, which are equally real, if not more so. The funny thing is that we identify so strongly with our physical bodies, that we think of ourselves primarily in physical terms. It seems as if the physical body becomes the focus of our whole identity. As important and valuable as the physical body is, it is not who we are, because who we are, our essential self can never change. You certainly don't have the same physical body you were born with, yet you know you're still you. Since this is practically the whole point of this book, I'm going to keep repeating it over and over: "you" are not your body or your mind(s). You are much more permanent than that. Sat Nam isn't born weighing six pounds nine ounces, growing to 120 pounds, Sat Nam doesn't get measles, go through menopause, or worry about dry skin. Sat Nam isn't born weighing six pounds nine ounces, growing to 120 pounds, Sat Nam doesn't get measles, go through menopause, or worry about dry skin. Sat Nam is your eternal true identity. It is who you are, who you were, and who you will be, now and forever. Truth is your identity. You might visualize your various bodies as layers of clothing, the physical body being the overcoat you never take it off, so you don't see the beautiful jacket or suit underneath, much less the dress or shirt under that. 
Until you develop a special kind of x-ray vision, you definitely never see the body that is warning all those garments, which is the:
What are the 10 bodies? Understanding the Ten Bodies
Soul Body. Our first body is our Soul Body. ...
Negative Mind. Our second body is our Negative Mind. ...
Positive Mind. Our third body is our Positive Mind. ...
Neutral Mind. Our fourth body is our Neutral Mind. ...
Physical Body. Our fifth body is our Physical Body. ...
Arcline. ...
Aura. ...
Pranic Body.
1. Soul body, The first body is the Soul Body. It is your very best friend. It is God's light that lives in your heart. The soul body never dies. It goes with you forever. It's a good idea to get acquainted with it as soon as possible and develop ongoing communication. The best time to get the conversation going is during the morning sadhana. Three mental bodies Here's a brief summary of the three main aspects of the mind, the body that many people mistakenly identify with. You can read more about your mind in the chapter called to conquer the mind, you conquer the world.
2. The mind protects you, by warning you what could be the danger or loss in any situation.
3. The positive mind inspires you, by telling you what is the possible gain, the advantage to you, in any situation.
4. The neutral mind listens to the intellectual input from both the negative mind and the positive mind and then leads you to the best decision, using unbiased intuitive knowledge. Whenever you want to reach outside of yourself, reach out with your Neutral mind. It is a most graceful, wonderful secret of success.
5. The physical body, The Physical body was given to you so you could participate fully in life on this planet. It is a temple for God to live in while he sees through your eyes and hears through your ears. You were given the physical body so God could experience and enjoy his creation. The physical is a balance point between heaven and earth. The key to perfecting the physical body is balanced, balance in diet, balance in work, play, and rest. It always makes sense to avoid extremes. Don't be lazy and don't be fanatic.
6. Arc Body, The arc body is all line of energy that goes in an arc from ear tip to ear tip. It is sometimes called your halo. This spiritual body projects who you are to other people without a word being spoken. It also protects you from negative energy directed toward you. Have you ever felt something, and turned around to find someone staring at you? That's one experience of your airline in action.
7. Auric Body, The Auzric body is a sphere of electromagnetic energy that surrounds the physical body. It can extend up to nine feet in every direction. This body protects you and also gives you the ability to uplift yourself and others. Some people can see the auric body as a field of flowing colored light. You may have experienced the auric body when you were near someone and simply feel their energy. Being in the aura of a spiritual and loving person is peaceful and healing. As the energy field of their aura interacts with ours, it automatically elevates us. 
8. Pranic Body, The pranic Body controls the breath and takes in Prana, the life force energy of the universe. The pranic body gives you energy, courage, control over your mind, and healing power. When you breathe, you are feeding your Pranic body. As your practice pranayama, you'll experience the expansion of strength of this body. 
9. The subtle body, The subtle body gives you the opportunity to understand and master the subtlety of life. It can help you understand what is going on around you and how things work. Those people who can tune into situations easily or pick up new skills as if by magic, have developed a subtle body. As Mahan Tantric Aneg Singh has explained he always teaches with his subtle body. We have experienced the projection of his powerful presence during his Kundalini yoga education. Even though his physical body may not be there, his subtle body most definitely is present and actively engaged with us. 
10. Radiant body, The radiant body gives you spiritual royalty and radiance. The strength of the radian body will make you courageous in the face of any and every obstacle. Good things are drawn to you through a developed and powerful Radiant body. On a practical level, people with well-developed radian bodies are said to have charisma. Their very presence work for them before they say one word. The virtually shing.