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Product no.: AD560
Price excl. tax: $156.69
Price (incl. tax): $199.00
Availability: On request
  • Vendor: KYSA

What is Psychometry?

The word Psychometry is derived from the Greek word psukhē, meaning soul or spirit and metron which means measure.  Psychometry is also called “object reading” and is considered a form of extrasensory perception, where an object is “read” by the practitioner.
The practitioner can receive visions or information from the object, about the history of the associated person or target, as well as discovering hidden secrets. It is believed that the practitioner receives knowledge via the vibrations imprinted on the item or object, but can also be used when reading a building or an area of interest.

How does Psychometry work?

It is believed by many in the paranormal world that the vibrations associated with events and emotions become imprinted in surrounding objects, the landscape and personal items. Even clothing, furniture and buildings can absorb the energies and thoughts from people and animals in and around them. Emotions seem to be the strongest vibrations to be found when reading an object or area. The psychic can read an item – such as a piece of jewelry (usually something personal to the subject, which they had close to them for most of the time) or sense the vibrations in a room, battlefield, house etc.

The psychic may be able to pick up on the personality of the person linked with the item, their emotions and other important factors – past, present and even the future. When a medium senses a spirit in a haunted house, they are picking up on imprinted energies, as in a residual haunting.

**Training Psychometry**
Before you start, find an item that belongs to someone you know, like a family member or a close friend. The reason for this is to perform a test, to ensure that you’re on the right track. A simple object like a watch or something that has sentimental value, which they often wear, use or carry is ideal. Another reason is that they will probably be more likely to confirm your findings correctly or advise if you are on the wrong track. Once you have your item, find a quiet spot or create a sacred space where you can focus on your reading without being interrupted or distracted.

Perform a psychometry test on yourself, using your own items – especially ones you haven’t touched for a while.  Do the impressions take you back to forgotten memories or events in your life? What about people in your past?  Try using an old coat you haven’t worn for a while. Note any impressions?


Step One – Prepare

Make sure that you have a notepad and pen or a means to record your impressions, such as a voice recorder. Place the object in front of you and make yourself comfortable. Turn your phone or device off and meditate. Try not to have music in the background, as it will affect your reading.

Step Two – Clear your mind

As you meditate, allow yourself some time to filter out the meandering thoughts that come across your mental screen. Do this before you pick the item up to make sure that you are essentially a blank canvas, on which the impressions will materialize or appear.

Step Three – Open the Channel

Feel yourself flooding with light, whether you believe it’s the light of God or spiritual guide. See it flood through you as you pick up the object and link with the energies contained within it. Pay attention to all your impressions, even if they seem ridiculous or even unsavory.

Step Four – State your Purpose

State aloud that you respectfully request whatever information it chooses to share. You can ask the object direct questions but try to keep them simple. It’s best to ask it to feed you visions, emotions, thoughts or words. You could ask it to tell you about the emotional state of the person or about their history.

Step Five – Record your Impressions

Whatever you feel, hear, see in your mind’s eye or even taste or smell – record your impressions. You can make sense of the answers later, when you report to the owner. Try not to color the reading with your own ideals or motivations. Once you finish the session, thank God, the Universe and the object.

Psychometry training content:

History, Psychometrics, development, clairvoyance, exercise center of your head, practical examples, analyzer, colors, exercise, practical example, earth and body, grounds, exercise, psychometrics, how does psychometry really work, exercise object, psychometry exercise, assignments, Practical example, Blow up images 1, 2, What do guides and angels do, Inner teacher, discover your own prayers, practice your own sanctuary, practice preparation, meet your inner teacher, exercise your teacher, orbsen what are they, statement in a row.

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Psychics, practice example, psychic space, psychometry meditation technique, clearing chakra cords, psychometrics 3 group, psychometry meditation, psychometrics group exercise, mediums, personal guides and helpers, meeting other helpers, reading aura with psychometrics, workspace for practicing psychometrics, exercise sanctuary, aura and psychometrics, Psychometrics 4 + psychometry 5,

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